Politicians in France united yesterday to ban Islamic veils that cover a woman's face, which some described as 'walking coffins'. 'We are never going to have a fully integrated society if an increasing proportion of the population cover their faces'. Holland and other countrys are considering bringing in the ban. I doubt the UK will bring it in as it could put the country at risk of losing its coverted title of "most arse raped country in the world"
yawn. Mainstream Islam does not require it's female followers to wear the burkha, just like mainstream Christianity does not require it's followers to abstain from alcohol... it doesn't stop more fundamental variants of both religions taking it to the extreme. Personally I couldn't care less if we ban it or not - I think the issue of how many people wear them is overplayed in the media to wind up bigots such as yourself. The daily fail article you quoted from says that it affects around 2,000 people out of a national population of 66 million. Hardly worth the attention it's getting to be honest.
only 2000 rofl, i bet there's more in south shields judging by that statistic (which often are made up!!)
Fucking hell Detective Conners you're like a cross between Bergerac and Magnum PI, just more of a cunt and a lot gayer!
An estimate from the French government apparently... http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/lifestyle/article-23894883-beyond-the-veil.do
No they don't... there's an estimated 5-6 million people in France who consider themselves muslim, and out of those, only an estimated 2000 maximum wear a burkha. The percentages in this country are probably similar. You're talking less than 0.5%.
How many in Afganistan? Whats the point in quoting figures of bad muslims that live side by side with the inferdel???
Sudan is seen as a modern version of a country using Sharia and Islamic Law. "The government restricts women’s freedom of dress. In 1983, the Islamic government enforced the practice of wearing veils for all women, including non-Muslims. In Khartoum, the restrictions became even more severe in 1991 when the government imposed the wearing of opaque clothes from head to feet. Women that are caught in violation of these restrictions can be subject to high fees and lashings." http://www.mwcoalition.org/quotas/id10.html
Still a poor argument pike. Sudan is an example of a country that takes it to the logical extreme (some of the arab states are no better). You're still neglecting examples such as Indonesia (13% of the population there are followers of Islam, and that country is considered moderate in both belief and law). If you take into account the 1.57 billion muslims around the world (accounting for 23% of the world's population), those who follow fundamentalist teachings are still in the minority. Sudan accounts for 1.9% of that 1.57 billion. Afghanistan accounts for 1.8%. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_Muslim_population And I doubt that those muslims who live in Europe and the states would consider themselves "living with the infidel". If they did, they'd either leave or start protesting.
Where did it all go wrong eh. 10 years on from 9/11 and the world has turned into a fortress. People's tribalistic nature is being manipulated here. Where the fuck did this 'them and us' mentality come from eh? Nobody gave a stuff about Islam until those attacks by people who HAPPENED to come out with a few lines about Islam, and ten years on we have countries banning women from wearing clothes they have worn for thousands of years. Insanity.