I need to do the above, dont ask Do you think you could request you mobile phones location from your SP? obv there would probs be a charge for this information but do you think they could do it? What about ANR cameras, can you ask the law to provide such information?
It's based on phone masts, so it's basically your first idea without going to your SP. If you synced your phone after the 'date' then the file will be on your computer anyway. Plus you can open the file it opens manually and get a timestamped latitude and longitude. Hopefully there is an entry for when you need.
in all honesty , in innocent man should be believed when he says ' i wasnt there' - so as you are an innocent man , they should believe you , thats the theory anyways
Proving your phone is somewhere is not going to prove you were there. If you want to prove you were somewhere that you were not you are really going to need the old classic of a few folk to lie for you.
@ this thread. let's hope whoevers chasing you doesnt pinch your ISP for information on your web usage!
Techno if you were in a shop that day goto the shop stating that youd like the cctv footage of you and state the time you were in the shop, you will have to fill out some form which allows you to get a copy of the video footage on dvd etc.... it will cost you 10 quid,(was that a few years ago) By law they have to give you the footage could take a while though cos they need to pixelate the other peoples faces, lol But it is possible freedom of information
The Menace speaks the truth, Data Protection Act is your friend. Will work with any company that uses CCTV
yes i am onto this DP ACT, the freedom of information act also can be used in conjunction.. O2 wont reply to emails so i think ill have to ring them and see if they can provide my tracking info (i know this wouldnt prove where i was if this was for a legal case spence, but it isnt). If this fails i think i am going to have to contact the police for the ANR system data, which they had to provide. Can someone with the Iphone app do what Mike advised and show a screen shot? Will it show areas of a city? iv seen mikes pic showing the world but can u zoom in citywide?