Digital cameras - help needed Can anyone suggest a digital camera that is small enuff to fit in my pocket or sumthing but still does a OK job? The one I've got now is too big and I can only find the one that Cogan has on Amazon but, ideally, I'd like to buy one from a shop so it's easier to take back if I don't like it. Any ideas what's on offer and where I can get it from? Thanks!
no idea mate, im after a digi cam tooo but cam afford it for the mo, ive found a nice one which is alrite sized and good quality for 140 but its on amazon
i just got a concord eye-Q 3x from jessops. its tiny and alrite quality...optical zoom or summit. £70 but u may want sumthing a bit better
if u just want a simple point and click one, u can get the tiny ones off ebay for about 40quid ish. they work alright too
try this 1. looks ok.