Promise DJ League!? Hello every body! (Hi Dr. Nick...) I've posted a poll in the Promise DJ section n am appealin to all to go have a look at it. It's entitled "Good idea... Bad idea?!" And its me waffling on bout a DJ league (rather than knock out). I feel it's a decent idea but it's not without some serious flaws, so it'd be nice for others to point them out n perhaps find a solution to them (cos I cant be arsed ). Dunno Mark's thoughts on the idea yet, he's probably far too busy to organise it but who knows. N there's nowt to stop one of us organisin it, but Promise has got the high profile and punters etc. (Obviously this would take place after the DJ comp. was all over and forgotten. That's if it would take place anywhere other than my head) Go on have a look! The link, to save you fannying about looking for it is.......... Hope thi;s works, please be supportive and optimistic, it could happen , any constructive criticism welcomed. Jxx :groovy: :groovy:
not a prob If ya need ne more im sure i cud cum up wiv somet, esp if i knew how it was runnin at mo. if ya do jus let me no
Aye why, the DJ comp is knockout based- two djs out of every six go through each round each week n after them heats the qualified djs face each other again etc..... til there's only a handful left who battle it out in the quarters, semis and then final. fairly straightforward. Think it's the semis now as a good few weeks have passed since it started. as for a league, i dont know of ANY DJ league as yet, Promise certainly doesnt do one, but I think it'd be canny good to have one if cos the DJs who were knocked out (like myself) have a few more chances to get it back together and arent out until it's mathematically impossible on league points, if for no other reason. it'd be interestin to see how the DJs styles vary over weeks, i.e. new tune selection etc and in my opinion it'd be more interestin than the knockout. Another point is that not all the DJs that were knocked out played bad sets (I hope Im included on that statement ), it's just that the people who won played better, n thats slightly unfair (only slightly, the best DJ wins on the night) i.e. Fizz- a lot of people thought Fizz nailed the heat I was in and was thru to the next round but he never even got through, every1 was like WTF!!! But obviously the judges felt there were better people. in the long run, a league would be more competitive. To prevent a massive league (40 DJs in one division is a bit much...) u cud have two divisions (or three or more if necessary) and the best djs go in the top division, the crap (or worse) ones in the bottom. To know which ones are the better ones we could all do mix tapes again like the way the qualifiers were done for the knockout. I have thought about this and think it could work. Someone help me, work with me here!!!
Yeah well done I was thinkin bout that this mornin, cos it would be easier to judge a specific genre.
"This is getting better and better and better..." - John Motson's words in the win over Germany. Well it'd be nice to hear from more than just three people....
gota agree mate, this is a top idea! id be well up for entering! gives ppl a chance to DJ to a crowd again so nice one
fair points there mate, especially bout it gettin tedious aye. whoever it would be to take the idea on and host a night would have to put a lot of time into it. What dya think of a champions league style setup though, like spiral suggested. - it'd mean that if u werent the greatest on the nite, u still have a chance to redeem yourself (living example: Newcastle, however slim their chances may be! And 5-2 today???? WTF!! ) by havin a CL setup it'd have the aspects of a league, but then it'd be vastly reduced after the first stage cos it'd be a knockout after that. Thanks for your input, it's welcomed whether in favour or against, as long as they're valid/constructive points ps did u follow the link and vote? please do (but only if you're gonna vote for "yes")