Mystic Mick As 2002 is almost over and 2003 is nearly upon us I thought I would make a few predictions as to what the new year will hold. - Glitter Angel will find a nice young man and settle down! - DrHH will get a new job (probably after he gets sacked from his current one for never being there! )! - Sunderland will not get relegated! - Newcastle will qualify for a European competition but Bobby Robson will retire/die and Alan Shearer will take over, the whole of Sunderland will then laugh! - The monthly Crasher will cease to exist and all we will see from them is the big events! - Teknofish will get banned from the message board at least 12 times. - It will be descovered that Craig Bellamy is an alien from the Planet Ugly Fucker! - Smartie will somehow be proved to be 100% hetrosexual and will then go on to bed every female (except his sister) on the board! - Jeff will murder someone in a fit of rage (look at those eyes, he is evil)! :evil: - Lil Jem and Steve Imac/Amici/Tyrell will return to Promise (whether they get in or not is another matter! )! - Godskitchen at the Arena will be a huge success with all Charvas hailing it as a "waxa belta night how!" - SeniorChemSi and Anarchy still wont look anywhere near there real ages! - Promise will get bigger and better! - Promise will lose a bit of its special atmosphere but it will still be there, just not as easy to notice! - The winner of the DJ Comp will be huge and may well release a track with Flip and Phil!!! - Cyber will come back and the 2 Dave's will return to there former, dayglow, glory!!! :cyber: I probably won't get to see any of these predictions come true as I am running into the North Sea at Sunderland on boxing day wearing a Newcastle top (its for charity) so I will probably be drowned!!! Feel free to add your own or abuse me for mine!!! DrMick
Re: Mystic Mick Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Don't bet on it mate! I'm sure I already did this thread too.....