
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Geordie, Jan 18, 2003.

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  1. shinysy


    Mar 13, 2002
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    Grimsville - Billingham - Near `Boro - GOTTA GET O
    fair do`s but i`d have neen more receptive to - "Promise is cool, `shack is too, maybe not as good as it used to be, IMO promise is better `coz i`ve had the best times in there & appreciate the club more", not all the negatitivity & then the personal insults, that,i dont need, the refits were good & the place looks amazing, but the 2nd arena which would make a cool "funk" arena has never been developed to anything like its potential - no "names" & also the lack of a direction in their music policy has defo not helped, maybe you could get away with variety back in the day, but todays informed clubbers want one thing or the other, not both!
    Yeah i`ll see you & Chunkos + friends @ PaSSion, have you been b/f? If not you are in for a treat - the worlds greatest trance DJ in the u.k`s best trance venue (IMO;) !) - I beleive we are booked into the same travelodge - should be mad - BRING IT ON!!!

    :) ShinySY!:)

    P.S The biggest mistake the `Shack ever made IMO was moving the DJ box........very sad indeed!!!
  2. Yosef Ha'Kohain

    Yosef Ha'Kohain Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    booking no names isn't a bad thing booking shit dj's is... this is where we'll never agree u thinka big name dj means a great night... 9 times out of 10 I feel let down by big name dj's
  3. shinysy


    Mar 13, 2002
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    Grimsville - Billingham - Near `Boro - GOTTA GET O
    Yeah Richard Tulip/Kerry James - Cool
    Simon Gibb/Rob whiteside/Oli Faulkner (to a lesser degree) - Not Cool

    With a new sparkling new arena @ the `Shack & the opportunity to really make waves with ppl. like Morillo etc. what did they do? - Book uncool/has been cheapo rezzies - result an underperforming arena in an underperforming club - M`lud i rest my case - PEACE OUT!

    :) ShinySY!:)
  4. Yosef Ha'Kohain

    Yosef Ha'Kohain Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    Im not doubting their ability to book shit dj's - I'm agreeing thats what they do.

    But I'm pointing out your seriously deluded if u think if u booking a big name dj like morillo or oakie will result in a good night.... Someone who's been into the club scene as long as you surely knows theres more to making a great night than a big name dj?!?!?!?
  5. shinysy


    Mar 13, 2002
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    Grimsville - Billingham - Near `Boro - GOTTA GET O
    Yeah & you know i know that, its just the empire built this great second arena & have`nt tried to develop it @ all, the empire needs big names or themed nights with big names & "cult" residents to pull a crowd, i`ll be honest they book a lot of DJ`s that dont work in `Boro & have crap rezzies, if only they would sort it out or even bring in guest promoters to do it for them!

    :) ShinySY!:)
  6. Yosef Ha'Kohain

    Yosef Ha'Kohain Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    I think the only way for shack to pull themselves out the shit their in is to come up with some revolutionary strategy... They put armin on and peole came away thinking it was shite... They've played themselves out and now people are bored.

    The entire ethos of the empire has to change from simple things like the doormens attitude towards the night and its punters, to the bizarre dj bookings... They'd be wise to look @ clubs like Garlands and Good Greef... When clubs start up they use small unknown or not so famous dj's who suit the club - these residents and regulars help generate and atmosphere... coupled with the way the club is run this creates the atmosphere which is unqiue to that club - be it an uber cool house club with only the coolest of cats posing or a bouncey hard house lcub with monkeys dressed as cavemen. Every club needs this identity.

    Once the night has grown they can start booking dj's that suit the night - most dj's will try to play a set suited to the club... Crasher is the best example of a club coming from nothing to greatness and creating its own identity.... Shack has now lost its identity and they don't realise - to think that booking a big name dj will get their identity back is a joke.

    The only way of getting back to their former glory is starting small and working their way up - the est examples of clubs currently doing this are Good Greef and Garlands....

    Big names wont save the shack - they'll just kill it faster cos its far more expensive.
  7. shinysy


    Mar 13, 2002
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    Grimsville - Billingham - Near `Boro - GOTTA GET O
    You are such a knowledgeable & wise man & i am a fool, of course you are right, you`ve gotta be & i`ve gotta be wrong;) !
    `Shack cant start from scratch, if they did so in that venue, no one @ all would go & then it would shut, what they should do is continue with headlining DJ`s in the main arena & create a vibe about the second arena with quality replacement residents & the occasional guests.
    Having a set music policy where a clear decision was made about being a funky or a trance night & then fattening the line-ups & bringing in quality rezzies would be the way to go E.G Lee Foster maybe?!?! - Now dont go all territorial on me, i beleive he`s warmed up for Oakey @ the `Shack b/f & Promise dont seem to want to add him to their residents as yet?
    BTW the Armin night was quality music wise, the man played an awesome set, trouble was, it was empty `coz his fame had`nt clicked with the "clued up" - NOT! teesside public!

    :) ShinySY!:)
  8. rachel

    rachel Registered User

    Nov 12, 2001
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    happy happy!! :)
    :rolleyes: we'll excuse-me mr cohen!! dont start bloody havin a go at me!!! i neva said the cybers were betta than the other ones although IMO i reckon they were cos they consisted of mar, dave, dave, hailz etc... who i reckon were the bestest cybers i've eva seen (apart from u of course joe :) :) :) !!!) and i know for a fact that there will have bin miles betta nites but due to the fact that i was only about 16 i wasnt allowed to go to them so had to stick to sugarshack!! but im my little world the nites were some of the best in ma life n i've neva had nites on the same level in terms of crowd n atmophere since reeli although at the moment promise absolutley kicks sugarshacks arse n i reckon thats the ways its gonna stay!! but dont start shouting at me joe cos i neva said any of that i was merely stating my opinion and reffering to my own clubbin experiences!! xxx
  9. Yosef Ha'Kohain

    Yosef Ha'Kohain Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    Shack have tried your way and it didn't work! They've brought in big name dj's, quality regulars, etc. It didn't work. Shacks problem doesn't lie in their choice of dj (although its shite a lot of the time) its down to lack of identity people are 2 scared 2 give a chance now as they've been let down so many times.... Sugar Shack need to reinvent themselves if they want to reach their former glory.

    If Good Greef can pull crowds of 1700 with residents shack should have no trouble doing the same - if they generated the correct identity.... Clubbers have tired to seeing big names dj's - theres about 10 events every year where they can see hundreds of super stars.... Clubbers want something a little more special in their weekly nights... If a super star plays its a bonus.

    I'm not saying shack should move to the arena with 5 new resi's... I'm saying they need to create some form of identity which clubbers can associate with the club. People come to promise for the intimacy, the underground feel, the atmosphere, the quality dj's, etc. - they know they're garuanteed a good night... People go to shack on the off chance the dj will perform and on its long lost reputation.

    Theres more to saving the club than just putting on good dj's they have to re-invent the way shackers and non-shackers think and percieve shack. If they chase what they used to have they'll never reach their former glory they have to evolve as the rest of clubland has.

    And rachel - u were disagreeing with my point - I was just pointing out why I disagreed with urs.
  10. Yosef Ha'Kohain

    Yosef Ha'Kohain Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    Shack have tried your way and it didn't work! They've brought in big name dj's, quality regulars, etc. It didn't work. Shacks problem doesn't lie in their choice of dj (although its shite a lot of the time) its down to lack of identity people are 2 scared 2 give a chance now as they've been let down so many times.... Sugar Shack need to reinvent themselves if they want to reach their former glory.

    If Good Greef can pull crowds of 1700 with residents shack should have no trouble doing the same - if they generated the correct identity.... Clubbers have tired to seeing big names dj's - theres about 10 events every year where they can see hundreds of super stars.... Clubbers want something a little more special in their weekly nights... If a super star plays its a bonus.

    I'm not saying shack should move to the arena with 5 new resi's... I'm saying they need to create some form of identity which clubbers can associate with the club. People come to promise for the intimacy, the underground feel, the atmosphere, the quality dj's, etc. - they know they're garuanteed a good night... People go to shack on the off chance the dj will perform and on its long lost reputation.

    Theres more to saving the club than just putting on good dj's they have to re-invent the way shackers and non-shackers think and percieve shack. If they chase what they used to have they'll never reach their former glory they have to evolve as the rest of clubland has.

    And rachel - u were disagreeing with my point - I was just pointing out why I disagreed with urs.
  11. rachel

    rachel Registered User

    Nov 12, 2001
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    happy happy!! :)
    fair do's joseph!! :) xxx
  12. shinysy


    Mar 13, 2002
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    Grimsville - Billingham - Near `Boro - GOTTA GET O
    your opinions/ideas are far more advanced than mine & always will be, i`m just a smoggie & you are a far superior geordie who is ALWAYS right about EVERYTHING, i give in & bow down to your superior intellect ;) :rolleyes: ;) :rolleyes: :p :lol: - you are the :king:

    :monkey: ShinySY!:monkey: - :lol:
  13. Yosef Ha'Kohain

    Yosef Ha'Kohain Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    well @ least one, knows ones place :D
  14. rachel

    rachel Registered User

    Nov 12, 2001
    Likes Received:
    happy happy!! :)
    bloody hell stop bickering u 2 ur worse than the children in ma placement class ya's reeli are!! :rolleyes: xxxx
  15. Yosef Ha'Kohain

    Yosef Ha'Kohain Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    the arguements over....

    pay attention

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