Re: Why is it that whenever someone inhales a strong joint.. Mayb sum 1 roled a shit joint, with boulder sprinkles init it also with a Shite roach = they could b as they have inhaled a hotrock
Re: Re: Why is it that whenever someone inhales a strong joint.. sound like a bit of a lightweight! dont let them roll again!!
Re: Why is it that whenever someone inhales a strong joint.. Cos they are soft!!! Better fun is people who have a bong and look like they are about to pass out!!!
Re: Why is it that whenever someone inhales a strong joint.. Why is it that everytime you open your mouth shit comes out of it? I might hold a poll! Only kidding spunka!
Re: Re: Why is it that whenever someone inhales a strong joint.. Nasty things, i'm sure they do take hours off your life
Re: Re: Why is it that whenever someone inhales a strong joint.. kerrys heard my answer to that, its cos my minds full of shit, i decided that Nah but next time u pass a strong spliff about, when the person is caned, watch their face as they inhale... i promise u ll laugh, as they ll look like they re about to cry...
Re: Re: Re: Why is it that whenever someone inhales a strong joint.. How can u tell? Cos in that situation U would b genrally stoned
Re: Re: Re: Re: Why is it that whenever someone inhales a strong joint.. u can still watch someone... trust me, funny as fuck if it works... its when they look at u face all screwed up, and they go "im battered"
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Why is it that whenever someone inhales a strong joint.. I'll make a point of doing it nxt time, if i don't pass out b4 hand
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Why is it that whenever someone inhales a strong joint.. i generally say that i'm fucked off my face!!! i dread to think how screwed up my face was on fri nite........ maybe the reason ppl look like they're bout to cry is cos it's such an emotional occasion taking a draw on such a pleasant item!!!