Sasha IS on at Shindig........ .....on the 31st of MAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just checked his website and he's down for then!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOO How fucking mint is this going to be?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And if what people have said is true about Digweed being back on the 7th June then it'll be an amazing two weeks at the Dig sorry for all the exclamation marks, just rather excited!!
are you sure your dates are right? cos shindigs website says lottie is playing on may 31st, sasha is booked for the end of june
Lottie aint THAT fit. You're in Liverpool area aint ya? Check out an Ibiza ressie from down there, Miss AJ, fittest DJ I ever seen! Gte the fuck in with Sasha booking! Wanted o see him for ages. It's prog, but it's prog I don't mind listening to all night!
look, women djs are few and far between, you've got to take what you can get, lottie IMO is fit! aint seen or heard anything of Miss AJ, i'll have a look out for her though!
PS it does say on sasha's website that he's playing the 31st may at shindig, must be a mistake though.
well then, it seems there's been some action on the shindig website, i reckon the reason why it might have bin fucked for a few days is cos they've updated it and sasha is playing on the 31st may. oh, and it looks like jon cutler aint playing in the bar with sander, he aint on the listings no more. not too happy about lottie's absence though.
That would indeedy be the one my friend. You seen her before? Noticed you online the other day tbh. You never post, but you seem to know a hell of a lot bout all the members. Well, the female ones anyway. You some kind of net perv?
I'm well glad Sasha's on, this will be a top quality night, lets just hope he gets a full night to himself. Sander K's still on though and last time (and the only time) I seen him he was amazing. Not one to be missed I reckon! I'm sure she'll be on again soon.