Mullets ?? Whats going on It seems there's a fair few people now loving there mullet but why ?? Is this the new "try hard" cut or just the latest craze which will fade out and everyone will have skinheads Never seen so many whisps in my life or curls at that
Re: Mullets ?? when you say mullet do you mean mullet or a bad hair cut a mullet looks like this: long on the back short on the back and sides.... Most try hards have lost these by now - the ones that still have them aren't real try hards as they've been left behind. Long hair is back now, most try hards will be growing the back and sides long and the top short. I personally think this looks well nice... its a little more creative than a number 1 all over.
I couldnt be arsed again with having hair cos i can do nowt with it ! Having a skinhead is much more easier - and when i meant mullet i just meant really there's alot of people with longer than average hair therefore it must be coming back ! Like my hair cut tho its ancient really innit !
Having a skin head may be much easier... but going a week without a shower is also much easier than washing.... Just some people prefer to take time to look good. Some try hard looks are laughable, but long hair? I don't get the joke.
Juski stop it, your cracking me up - your sooooo funny.... long hair ='s ladyboy hahahaha next you'll be telling me pink is for puffs. How old are you? You sound like a complete plank.
Have you ever thought that maybe beckham is just following fashion trends? Beckham has never sported a haircut I haven't seen on try hards long before him.
Exactly joe's rite. BUT what i actually meant was say i had a mohawk that was blonde and have done for months then beckham decides to get one too, do you REALLY think i should change my haircut just so i dont look like him????
The thing is tho Beckham has the money to do whatever he likes so i would hardly say he is gonna copy a try hard ! Whatever he does / wears he will always have a following for it !
Are you fucking insane? Fashion stylists and designers draw their inspiration from somewhere. The beckham mo-hawk had been around clubland for years before beckham got it... Beckham isn't a fashion setter, he mearly mimics what he likes... Name me 1 beckham cut that wasn't in fashion before he got it. Think before you speak.
Doing things because Beckham has done is sheepish! Doing something because its fashionable is differant.
SO david beckham is fashonable. He follows fashion as do many other people. Just cos he's famous dont mean everyone is copying him.
At the end of the day id rather be David Beckham than some try hard That doesnt mean that i will copy him as i dont own anything that he wears for the fact that it will be well well out my budget !