This will get u to Stratford the quickest way(according to the AA) not sure exactly where the venue is but I'm sure there'll be loads of coaches to follow!!|420500&8112250=564000|425100&gp=map
Shit, that link dosent work, go to the AA site and go to travelwatch, then put Newcastle up Tyne to Stratford up Avon. It brings up a detailed route and map!
.0 0.0 A189 Newcastle Central Station, TandW Follow signs City West, City North -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.2 0.2 A189 Junction with A189 (West Central Route) At traffic signals turn left A189 (signposted The South A1(M), Gateshead) Shortly take right hand lane (signposted Gateshead) to cross -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.7 0.5 A189 Redheugh Bridge -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.9 0.2 A184 Junction with A184 Forward A184 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.1 1.2 A1 Junction with A1 Take left-hand lane to join A1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.6 4.5 A1(M) Junction with A1231 Forward to join Motorway A1(M) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.9 1.3 A1(M) WASHINGTON SERVICE AREA Travelodge (Washington South) DURHAM SERVICE AREA -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40.0 32.1 A1 Junction 56 (A1/B6275) In 0.4 mile forward leaving Motorway to join A1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41.8 1.8 A1 Scotch Corner (Junction with A66/A6108) Travelodge (Scotch Corner) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 64.7 22.9 A1(M) Dishforth Interchange (Start of Motorway A1(M)) Forward A1(M) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 77.4 12.7 A1 End of Motorway Forward A1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 87.0 9.6 A1(M) Junction 45 (A1(M)/A64) Keep forward to join Motorway A1(M) (signposted The South) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 90.0 3.0 A1 Junction 44 (A1/M1) Take left-hand lanes (signposted The South, Hull M62) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 91.1 1.1 A1 Forward A1 (End of Motorway) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 100.3 9.2 A1 Junction with M62 FERRYBRIDGE SERVICE AREA Travelodge (Pontefract Ferrybridge) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 105.4 5.1 A1 BARNSDALE BAR SERVICES (not shown) Travelodge (Pontefract Barnsdale) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 109.1 3.7 A1(M) "Red House" Junction Forward to join Motorway A1(M) (signposted The South) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 117.0 7.9 M18 Junction with M18 Branch left (signposted (M1) Sheffield) and at roundabout take 3rd exit to join M18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 124.9 7.9 M1 Junction 32 (M1) Forward (signposted London) to join M1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 131.1 6.2 M1 Woodall Service Area -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 142.7 11.6 M1 TIBSHELF SERVICE AREA -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 158.5 15.8 M1 TROWELL SERVICE AREA Travelodge (Nottingham -Trowell) TRAFFIC BLACKSPOT - CALL 401 100 from your mobile* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 178.0 19.5 M1 Junction 22 (A511) Travelodge (Leicester - Markfield) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 184.9 6.9 M1 LEICESTER FOREST EAST SERVICE AREA -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 186.3 1.4 M69 Junction 21 (A5460/M69) Branch left (signposted Cov, B'ham) and at roundabout take 3rd exit to join M69 TRAFFIC BLACKSPOT - CALL 401 100 from your mobile* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 202.4 16.1 A46 Junction 2 (A46) Take right-hand lanes to leave Motorway to join A46 (signposted Coventry, Warwick) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 204.1 1.7 A46 Junction for Brinklow (B4082) At roundabout take 1st exit -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 205.1 1.0 A46 Junction with A428 At roundabout take 2nd exit -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 207.0 1.9 A45 Tollbar End (Junction with A45/B4110) At roundabout take 3rd exit A45 (signposted Birmingham) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 208.5 1.5 A46 Junction with A46/A444 Branch left (signposted Warwick) and at roundabout take 1st exit A46 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 214.1 5.6 A46 Junction with A429/B4115 Forward (signposted Stratford) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 218.2 4.1 A46 Junction with A429/M40 At roundabout take 4th exit -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 220.3 2.1 A439 Junction with A439 At roundabout take 1st exit A439 (signposted Stratford Town Centre) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 224.6 4.3 A439 STRATFORD-UPON-AVON You have reached your destination. or do as Scruf says
lol thats one long long way of gettin there! m1 - m42 - m5 OR m1 - m42 - m40 down left down to a woman is the quickest way.. my parents live somewhere down there.. i think...
GO 1 OF THESE WAY'S M1-M42-M40-Junction15-A46=Stratford upon Avon M6-M42-M40-Junction15-A46=Stratford upon Avon The above route takes you into Stratford but the AA put sign posts directing you to the airfield. This info is from my engineer (Adam Kara) who lives a stones throw away from Stratford.
Once u get near they will no doubt have signs put up for gg? They did last yr anyway as far as i remember
You do actually have to go through Stratford, although as soon as you reach the town GG is very well signposted... and the cue of traffic is a giveaway