People going to Warehouse party please read Ok, I am organising a mini-bus to go their and back to Manchester and was wondering if anybody fancied tagging along. It is going to cost about £20 per person, but it means that you can have a drink and a laugh and not worry about driving back.. PM me if your interested..
is it leaving on the way back at6, or is it staying for the afterparty which goes on till2????? ps i got spare tickets if ne1 wud b so kind as to buy them?? do u think it will sell out??, please say it will
It should do. Three-way competition between that, Creamfields and Chi-Town action from Heather & Gene Farris @ Basics now tho aint it
it best do:spangled: ive got shitloads of spare tickets, u think i'll b able to sell them outside on the day or not if its a secret location or will i have to use ebay-ive looked on that at the moment and theres sum1 selling 2 for a fiver so i just put a fiver bid in for a laugh that shud go up or i may be fucked. also if it did selll out how much u rekon people wud be willing to pay on the day *licks lips thinking of money*????? r u going allie????
Nope. My Amy should be up here that weekend so we're just gona relax and spend some time together. Aint seen her in like, 2 weeks Aint really much that appeals bar the Sneak & Carter B2B Everyone I know from down that end that's goin already has their tickets, so I reckon ya might as well stick em on a website with possibly a small reduction. All about the Chi-Town man, keep it Basic
If I can sort the cash out, YES!!! 30th August is another class night too, Brett @ Basics and JT Donaldson @ Sankey's! Desperately need to see Brett tho!
possibly im sorry to be a fence sitter onner but im unsure as yet! Im in leeds most of the time till september, so doubt if wud be much point going up to newcastle to get the bus, however i do come up some fridays and in that case would be a good idea, but unsure at da mo mate soz!! have you got ur ticket ive still got about 7spare???????
I might have one of those tickets of u chief. Will let u know asap. Is there still spaces on the bus? If u want me like?
Might be interested Simon. 3 of us going down, we were planning on driving but minibus could be better plan. I'll get back to ya
Have you or your mates got tickets i've still got some for sale so if you need any please let me know