the italian job - new remake! going to see this next weds for free, spesh preview init looks fucking ace, the trailer is wicked! if youve got this weeks heat magazine take it to the odeon @ the gate to get tickets 2 see it - it's not out ill 19th sep
the fucking americans cant leave anything alone can they.... **coming soon** usa vs germany world cup final '66 final remake.
they do seem to have run out of ideas in hollywood. all the big films are either remakes or sequels - T3, american pie 3, italian job etc etc.
how How can you call a film the italian job when its not even in itaily dont even think michael caine will be in it . But even so who is the main actor driving the new posh mini just doesnt seem to have the same effect on it why didnt they call it the new job. Its all stupid arse americans do aint it rip of films to make them look good but they cant even do a simple job of them it just shows what complete arseholes they are. Ohh on the subject of americans the other week i saw that they blew a camera man up in a iraq cos they thought camera he was holding was a rocket launcher how only yankies could do that IDIOTS.
Basically its got to the point where hollywood cant make a film without having something before it doing all the pre-marketing 30 odd years ago (charlies angels etc..) That film is an action vehicle... nothing more. Granted it might be a bit of fun on a night out "at the flicks" but its pissing on the grave of its predecessor.
True mate,but I did read a good review on it the other day. I love the original loads, its a classic film. The Americans fucked up Get Carter aswell, the Stallone one is shite