Sweatbands why oh why oh why ... ??? Your not playing tennis so please explain to me why the fashion accessorry made most famous from on Orkney angler is all over the latest batch of Promise party pics. I don't get it.
sweat bands have been around for ages mate...........please keep up with fashion............infact i would say they are begining to be faised out. next big thing......................headbands
Re: Sweatbands Have you ever put trainers on with out the intention of doing any sport? And i bet you wear tracksuits all the time cos you think you look cool in them. The answer is obviouse really isnt it, its cos people want to, and why shouldn't they?
Re: Re: Re: Sweatbands I didn't say they looked good all the time, just that if people want to wear them why shouldn't they.
i had a brief affair with them end of last year around xmas time, i needed extra warmth for my arms.. i wore 3 though *xtra* one on left arm, two on the right kids if u wanna achieve thet ultimate played out high street fashion look they went out with the string vests in may. topman & big brother were the final nail in the coffin for them, cos lets be honest who wants to look like any of those clowns.
justin wears shit clothes end of. whether he chooses to wear sweatbands is irrelavant as he will still look like his record company have dressed him.
I always love this messageboards take on fashion Kids I hear a rumour military wear and camo is going to be big next spring/summer. You heard it hear first.