am on there best part of the day and night, logged off now for bout an hour asheading off into a meeting, me msn is
lol cant get that badger thing outta me head....." a badger a badger mushroom mushoom" crazy shit man ! MSN hates me but when its sweet im on ! for any ramblings or issues please dont be afraid to so my head in !
sometimes on quite a bit when i have nofink else to do with my sad pathetic lil life but only reeli when im at home and thru the week when everyone is at work or stuck up their boyfriends arses!! xxxx plus it saves ma phone bill quite a bit cos hav lotsa ma newcastle peeps on msn n with me bin at home 4 the summer its one of the only way to keep in touch wiv ya's!! xxx
Im never off the bloody thing!!! Hate it wen I try talk to like 3 ppl at once! Jus gets confusing. :spangled:
on when i get in from my stress full day! as orbit said its and easy way to keep intouch with a lot of ur mates! mines if any1 wants it! doubt it tho!