Hip-hop, funk, reggae, breakbeat (me!), more breatbeat, drum and bass. In some woods, not that far away. On friday night. Don't know much else for now. Should soon though.
Forest parties (oh the memories) I have played in forests, in big tents, warehouse and a quarry. it's class but not funny when it rains
Re: Re: Forest party Some thing like that, to be honest I don't even know yet, should be good though....... ....as long as it doen't rain!!!
I would've come, but whoever I'd asked to get back to me to come with me wouldn't have got back to me, so I'd have no one to go with, as always...
It was supposed to be a pisstake, of Gareth's sly dig of "You wouldn't have come anyway", as I always seem to be telling him I'll go to places and never actually going, because someone didn't get back to me Where is it then Mr Hocking, Chopwell?
I don't know properly yet, if you really want to come then give me a ring tomorrow and I'll know then.