Murder in local shop

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ezeelad83, Sep 23, 2003.

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  1. paul

    paul Registered User

    Aug 21, 2002
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    i once encountered charvas on a metro, there was two of the little shits n i was by myself, they started greifing an old man, i thought id keep me nose out thinking the old man would just ignore them, but he didnt, he replied and basicly challenged them, as most old men do, thats when i stepped in, one claimed he had a knife, i werent gonna wait to find out so juts launched the little fucker, his mate came at me and after catching me first, got the same, they fucked off up carrage and got off at next stop, old man was filling up when thanking me, really touched me, but what if i hadnt been there, or hadnt got the first punch, what would they have done then???

    its really scary when you think about it, i think thats one of the reasons why i now try to be as easy going as possible
  2. Guest

    The new busses have cameras on like, go northeastern defo do and coastline

    a few extra metro staff wouldnt go amiss but they wouldnt wanna do it them selves

    i was told that if u apply for a job to be a metro driver you have to do inspections twice a month or something like that, thats the only way i can think that they would get staff to do ticket inspections~!
  3. ezeelad83

    ezeelad83 Registered User

    Aug 25, 2003
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    speaking of phones I did a very noble thing on saturday night !

    Some lad (whom I now know as Alex Laff, must have dropped his phone dancing next to me. The lads behind me, thought it was mine and gave me it. I was all over the place first of all trying to find a signal, then when I did I got in touch with last dialled being a lad called Sunny Cortel !!! What a hairdo hes got, almost as messy as mine !! He took me to Alex.

    In the end the lad got his phone back and went to the bar to buy me a drink, but it was shut!
    So never theless thanks for the Red Bull and offer of a smoke dude !!!!

    If only ppl would do that for me as Ive lost me phone a good ten times !
  4. Guest

    cameron mate me heads done in!!!

    im stuck doing release 3 training and its so boring its unreal

    im gonna get me arse kicked like cos i have ebeen doin it since 1 lol
    what u up to
  5. ezeelad83

    ezeelad83 Registered User

    Aug 25, 2003
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    Re: Re: Re: Re: Murder in local shop

    I was wrong !
  6. Guest

    cameron mate me heads done in!!!

    im stuck doing release 3 training and its so boring its unreal

    im gonna get me arse kicked like cos i have ebeen doin it since 1 lol
    what u up to
  7. ezeelad83

    ezeelad83 Registered User

    Aug 25, 2003
    Likes Received:
    Re: Re: Re: Re: Murder in local shop

    I was wrong !
  8. ezeelad83

    ezeelad83 Registered User

    Aug 25, 2003
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    are you at work now like fella ?

    I should have been but the weekend was a bit fat, therefore Mon and Tues were called on for recovery time.

    I did release three last week and it took me about the same time.
    The key is not to rush it. If anyone asks just use the line, I'd rather get it right now that wrong when I'm talking to a golden oldie !

    Have you done the evaluations, yet?

    Oh I'm just chilling to some old and new music off the www.

    A bit of Johnny Shaker full whak !!! Pearl River !!!!!
    erm what else we got ere,,,, liquid divine - hightech love !
    K-90 Breathe - Phil Reynolds and Steve Hill Mix !

    Jealous ?
  9. Guest

    funny guy

    im just on the evaluations now

    i was at crasher on sat so i was off yesterday, thank fuck like cos i was in some state!! moi ha ha

    i was fucked one minute the next i wasnt as bad and my memmory all came back! :s

    strange stuff like

    i cant wait till we get paid, ive got so many tunes to purchase.... another week to go tho!!


    shit duty manager
  10. ezeelad83

    ezeelad83 Registered User

    Aug 25, 2003
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    wow duty managers. They hold some real power, I would be caking myself.
  11. Guest

    which of the following types of savings can be disregarded for a period of up to 26 weeks

    business assets if business is still trading
    money from sale of a ahome if intending to use money 2 buy a new home
    insureance policy 4 repair or replacement of perosonal posessions
    one off payment made from macfarlane trust

    any idea cameron
  12. ezeelad83

    ezeelad83 Registered User

    Aug 25, 2003
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    If I had to go for one I would say the business assets one but to be honest I didnt get that question in my evaluation !!!!
  13. Guest

    70% :lol::lol:

    it says ive passed still
  14. ezeelad83

    ezeelad83 Registered User

    Aug 25, 2003
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    u aswell, I didnt hear of anyone getting more than that.
    I think there is a bug in the programming. I dunno, when I tried to go into the registry on te A:\ to change my score it came up with a complicated registry not like the one for release two and when we first got trained.

    I had to make do with 70%. Oh well !
  15. El Maracca

    El Maracca Registered User

    Jan 25, 2002
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    the metro after 7
    anywhere further away from town than byker
  16. TheSpence

    TheSpence Registered User

    Oct 16, 2002
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  17. ezeelad83

    ezeelad83 Registered User

    Aug 25, 2003
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    Spence mate I think you're onto a winner there !

    At the end of the day zero tolerance ie long long jail sentences and huge huge fines shall scare the shit outta everyone, therefore we have a happier society.

    Once criminals see others going down for ten years of their lives for a mugging say, I bet the effect it will have is crime being reduced 90%.

    It may give the wanna be criminals an incentive to do something with what brains they have and get into something they enjoy !

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