The Board I know I'm not the most interesting poster on the Promise Board but what the fuck has happened?
Does anyone else think the boards gone down hill since Promise went monthly??? Or fortnightly if u include Quality. Im sick of hearing peeps complain about how poo it is tho. Either do sumthing about it or leave it.
you will find that there are dry patches where the crack is just crap and everyone argues, but with the emphasis being on people saying things just to provoke a reaction. it has went down a great deal since promise went monthly. Dire, yes. But there aint nowt you can do yourself about it.
You registered in August. Promise went monthly before August. You have nothing to compare it to. Hush up, fool
Bit harsh.... I was a guest on the board for about 6mths before becoming a member, so he may very well know what it was like before Promise went monthly.
exactly ive bin browsing the board since about may, only registered the other day, ive bin going to promise since then aswell, but never ventured away from the goodgreef board, well i had once to gurn, u say hello in a nice post and it get abused for a few months, so i stayed on my friendly board! but luckily i aint bin abused on here think im in fairly good company
your a wanker m8 there ya go, ur very first piece of abuse, happy? i used 2 be on this board a year ago nd left nd came bak, so maybe sum1 can initiate me aswell *im thinkin a fit young blonde perhaps *
fcuk you ya twat chekc out the login in name registered as ezeelad, be it the same month you joined, you, and i quote, fool.
No my friend. Indeed, learn to read yourself, and maybe you can chekc the date I registered, and find it is exactly a year before you
niow now kiddies dont make me have to go ghetto on your ass's! STOP the arguing/bickering/general abuse of your fellow clubbers ..... is the key to good times !:chill: