who got....... paid on tuesday and has now got nowt left ? monthly pay, its a tw@ me and thats why im here, well at home instead of going out and lashed
I'm at work at the mo' - beat that for crapness. But I'm gonna be sneaking off at 9, tee hee hee :evil:
I got paid the other day but cos i paid off me loan early with barclays they gave me a rebait of £800, i also had some left off the new loan with better rate ! I have a canny bit of money in the bank at the moment but i am gonna spend it wisely and pay large chunks off me other bills ! I wont be skint this month thats for sure I dont even think i have blown any cos the mixer i bought is accounted for when i sell me Vestax ! I love Ebay
Im skint all the time. Whether its before or after payday. Jus realised quite how much debt Im in. Id prefer to be paid monthly than weekly tho. Couldnt afford to pay sum of my bills with one weeks wage!
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we were shoutin that flyerin las week... workt too... dodgy do u flyer? think i met u las friday :spangled:
Well turned out to be quite eventful tonight. forgot that I had to go to a family MEAL !!! sisters off to york uni and I gotta gelp pack the moro. family meals aint good after the night before getting cained to death. went well though and had to chuck mother into a taxi pissed as. lol bon soir. :chill: