You know 3 Mobile are in trouble when they're selling their fones in Superdrug oh dear It cant be THAT bad surely. Does anyone know anyone of anyone who has 1 of these fones? I know noone
on a simlar note i walked in the chemists the other day and on the counter they were selling celine dione perfume superdrug was probs too good to sell it
A friend at work has one and he thinks its great. I think it looks like something from startrek and it is too big to fit in any of my pockets comfortably. Shite if u ask me, they'll probably be class in a few years tho
gotta say, kudos to the sales guys at the link... when i was lookin for a fone i was interested in gettin one of these n the guy there basically told me they werent worth getting in there current form, poor battery life, like a fookin brick, generally crap (decent network prices mind) but he told me that all the big fone companies are getting in on the act and i would be better off waiting until nokia, sony etc released there efforts.... which i thought was gud of em. ended up gettin a fone anyway (impatient ) , just not a 3 one. :groovy:
Re: You know 3 Mobile are in trouble when I now a few people with them, i nearly ot one but then realised i would need a satchel to carry it around in. Good for breaking windows with though
at the end of the day the technology is there to make them in small ones, but guess what, just as nokia and others have ripped us all off by bringing out colour phones, camera phones etc really slowly people are not falling for it again. I have a mate in Japan who works for Nokia and some of the mobile telephones that are out over there are mental. they think they can do it again but everyone seems to be sticking to their guns. i mean who needs to see the football on their miniscule phone that cost as much as a 28" dolby digital tv ? not me thanks.
i know a few peeps who have them, i like how when they 1st came out none of the extra bits they had (video messaging etc) actually worked yet, but they were saying it did on the advert... my mate used to work in a phone shop an she said they had loads of unhappy customers who'd got them an really hated them...