Adam freeland & Freq Nasty Got told these 2 are on at the old odeon cinema sometime in novemeber, dont get the chance to go into town that often these days so does anyone know when there on for definate?
Re: Adam freeland & Freq Nasty I have been told the old cinima is gonna be made into a bad ass club ? any else ?
Thats what ive heard as well, supposed to be more of a live venue i think, they've got cinematic orchestra on there pretty soon as well apparently.
Its on the 22nd of next month as part of the AV festival. Its £15 a ticket and its from 10pm till 7am according to the flyer. Theres a fair few other people's sets on too although the only one I can remember is DJ EASE. I reckon it looks class and will definitely be going I reckon.