Men In Tights Dunno if anyone has started a thread aboutthis yet and i cant be arsed to look so here goes. What a laugh..... probably the best programme ive seen in ages, 8 proper geordie shipbuilders trying to ballet dance. Had me in stitches with some of the crack they were spouting.
I knew one of the guys off it. Bri Mills, he was the one with his top off all the time, funny as fuck programme like!
Billy 'one puinch' Wilson wasnt happy when the fat bloke was refusing to train, apparently he's the hardest bloke on the ship yard and one of the hardest in north shields as well.
The bit they had to freestyle to show there moves was hilarious. The boy that panicked and started moonwalking will never live that down. To be fair they did pretty well.
our lasses dad works on the night shift at swans, he goes drinking with billy 'one punch' all the time. he assured me he is that hard. seen him the corrie club a few times.