fav films? just wondering what everyones fave films are? list at least a few cause i know how difficult it is to name just one! mine have to be: goodfellas full metal jacket american history x american history x is a bit harsh but is very hardhiting and effective i rekon!
snatch pulp fiction human traffic the 'friday' films menace to society ('dooo i ssttttuuuttter mother fucker!!) austin powers trilogy blade 1 & 2 the lion king bad boys 1 & 2 resivour dogs people under the stairs
totally forgot bout all the friday films! how high is well funny aswell. has anybody seen half baked? its a total stoners film. i know jeff has seen it, just wanna see if peeps think its any good!
The Shining, Fargo, Oh Brother where art thou (im a big coen brothers fan) Godfather trilogy its a wonderfull life Get Carter