crasher nye?? anyone know the line up for crasher nye?? heard its on at leeds town hall. just wanna see what the line ups like before i decide where im venturing to. cheers craig....
Scott Bond Matt Hardwick Marco V plus Frantic room according to
I think its been cancelled from Leeds Town Hall cos some fucking Goth night the other night smashed the floor to bits :evil: If it moves to The Republic then i will fancy going more than i did at Leeds ! GK tho with 4hrs of Armin + G&D + John O'Bir still looks canny good, decisions decisions :spangled: One thing i am not doing is staying in Newcastle for NYE, New Years Day maybe yeah to the boat but not NYE !
Would'nt mind doing Godskitchen, they've got a hard room there, caus Some of them like it a bit harder so there's dj's for all of us to see and it means we all dont have to go different places.
crasher does look the best bet like. not as far away nd im sure they have a hard room. lee rekons its frantic. if i went id probs watch marco v, hardwick, bond and lost and spend the rest of the night bootin off in the other room!