The Matrix defense Anybody catch this last nite? Can you believe that kid that killed his land lady because he thought she was sucking him into the Matrix And those 3 's who armed them selves to the eyeballs wid guns to take on the world thinking they were the ONE! Sure they'd been smoking to much :chill: the little skag rats! Who do they think they r, surely everybody knows I am Neo
Goalking is the one, watch out for him flying across the room. Seriously tho - This programme was weird!
I just thought it was stupid how they were trying to blame a film for a kid killing his parents, cant they just accept that the kid's fucked up??? lol 'He thought he was part of the matrix and had to kill his parents to save himself'
the kids were all, already fucked up in the head, they had been drug abusers and were seriously depressed. The Matrix brainwashed them and they thought there was a conspiracy against them goin on, a kill or be killed situation. Nuts! Excuse me man but I think you're PARANOID!
this is just an easy way out for the nutters in usa!! pleading insane is just to easy now, they get a nice padded cell if they claim they are neo!! DAM BATS! :argue: :argue: