Drink Spikage (gurn) Sorry about drug references. http://www.gurn.net/forums/showthread.php?s=&postid=2164576 The lad I'm talking about who it happened to during the summer was Karl.
Re: Drink Spikage (gurn) Thats well harsh, was it in promise? I pass my water to strangers all the time and think nowt of it, its probs a tiny chance it will happen but still not worth the risk. Good of ya to put that up like cos ya never know who ya mite help
Re: Re: Drink Spikage (gurn) It was at Crasher, some scottish people I know had similar things happen.
that realy is a right fucker i have only been spiked once and it wasnt bad in anyway, i wouldnt even call it spikeing as it was as daft as drinking the wrong cup of tea and not reliseing but i was @ a party @ a pub in blyth for 2 people, bothing going away to work for the navy (dunno what they call the birds are they sailors?) anyway these 2 birds had this party and my ex g/f`s best mate started acting wierd, shes not a daft lass, shes pretty sensible and stuff, she would never take anything in a million years, but in a short space of time she was fucked we learnt soon after that one of the birds that the party was actualy for had been threatend to have her drinks spiked and thought nothing of it we ended up outside as she was boiling hot, police man came, didnt know wtf todo, i ended up cathing her as she came tumbleing down, she was screaming, crying shouting the lot, i honestly thought she was going to die that nite, she did not, we ended up in hospital with her and she was compleatly and utterly fucked, shes was lieing on the hospital bed off her face talking bollocks, and then the doors crash open, and another trolly gos wizzing past, guess who was on that one? the bird that had been originaly threatend, same think, compleatly fucked up so it seams the people that did it, got the wrong person at first, so still went ahead and sumhow got the intended victim :evil: i thought i was going to lose a good mate that night. the people who made the threats were taken care off, but nobody actualy knew who did it, so they all got a good fucken hideing scum nothing more, nothing less (edited because its dark here and my keyboard must have been 2 cms to the right and i hit a million diffrent keys by accident lmfao)
That's shocking. Fuckin scumsucker. I tend to not get bottles of water, but say, a drink of lemonade or coke later on. More refreshing and you don't have to carry it round. Think i'll stay with this method after reading that.
i can't read the article but it doesn't sound gud at all!!!! some ppl have no fucking brains at all to do that to someone...they must b pretty sick to want to do that to someone!!!! :evil:
I would fucking paste someone all over if i seen/knew that they had spiked or attempted to spike someone i knew or myself ! I would just litteraly use anything to make sure they know about it cos sometimes telling on them wouldnt be enough