U go to one think its brill,the you go to the second one and realise how much of a tit you acted at the first one. then the third ones debatable.
Only been to one (sound city newcastle 1998) and it was a good night... but the more the industry moves on the more im totally against the idea of them. They are a cancer on the dance scene imo.
Luckily i walked in just as Brandon Bloc was finishing off Remember that queue outside.... jeeeeezus.
no way hosay! they are rubbish!no atmosphere, usually a crap sound system, drinks are always well expensive, plus you got more than the average amount of scumbags in, and the good djs are on first and the bigger names with the charvers i.e. jules, john kelly are on last, and play crap! the first couple of necs were ok but the best arena event is nothing compared to only an average night in a club!
Hey... I never thought I'd hear myself say this but Jules' finishing set in the main arena on Saturday was one of the best/happiest trance sets i'd ever heard. Call me a fluffy trance pansy and all that, but he was suprisingly good.
i will never forget the first nec when he finished with the tiesto mix of das glockenspiel!how rubbish!!even tiesto played the humate mix!and he gave one of them long speeches before it too!! people like matt hardwick, jon o'bir play the first hour when nobody is even in the club cos they are so badly organised the cue is 5 hours long!no thanks!
Some people don't like them and thats fair enuff. I enjoy them tho. Altho I do hate missing certain DJ's bcos I dunno whos on when etc.
Dont mind most of the events held but had to say some of them/ people in them make me wonder what im doing here! CHARVS WITH AIR HORNS SHOUTING "HERE WE HERE WE HERE WE F**KING GO!!!!! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: