can you drive? aaaaaaaah i love you all and i need your help, i just need someone who can drive and is over 21 before midnight tonight, i need a massive favour, as my insurance runs out tonight and i need the car back at mine and it is at ness's in bedlington, i need it back as im the only one insured to drive it and it rins out in eleven hours forty mins...... please help!!!!! if you need to ring my number is 07734862547 lucy
i work in insurance, and the only way this is legally possible is if someone is over 25 and has the driving other cars extention on their own insurance policy, but they will be covered third party only. Or if you know someone with a traders policy. Phone your insurance company tell them you are going to renew your insurance with them and will send a cheque in the post, and they should send you a covernote to give you insurance cover for about 15days.
what? lol ILL BE DRIVING the person over 21 just has to sit there in case we get pulled over. dont want to lose my licence before i get it lol
ffs try to help someone, and its like, fukk off ian jesus, thats the last good deed im doing b4 xmas like
Re: Re: can you drive? after that comment the only kind of help being talked about is off the men in white coats.
Re: Re: Re: can you drive? yeah righty ho, just being nice ffs, i'll not bother next time, jesus i thought u needed to get ure car back, and i was trying to help, taxi 4 loopyloopy
Lucy, if you're not driving far, just drive the car. Don't speed, don't take the piss and you won't get caught. And no more driving on those magic mushrooms either (ness) :tut:
Ive been driving since June now and ive never been pulled. Hey thinking of converting my black capri to look like this, what u reckon?
Its the people that cause accidents whilst not having insurance that drives the cost up. Insurance companies put money into a central fund to cover claims where the person at fault was uninsured (cos they cant claim their moeny back from the other person's insurance company). The more claims that have to be paid out like that, the more the companies have to put in the fund. That in turn drives premiums up which takes us back to square one, more people being uninsured cos they cant afford the high premiums
Cheers darlin, same rule as always Tescos if your under 21 and liverpool victoria if your over. Try and stick to older cars, insurance is lower. Im insured on 2 cars at min, 3 Litre 1976 Capri - £750 Fully Comp 2litre 1986 Capri @ 600 fully comp and im 21 with no ncb