Hardcore for Quality !! after just listening to a couple of Bonkers CDs ive decided that its about time someone injected some hardcore into their hard house sets. not bouncy happy stuff.. but some nice hard Scott Brown style malarky. cmon Mark!.. suprise me!
As much as I like (proper) Hardcore (not happy hardcore) this would attract way too many charvers. Quality will turn into the Dudley rave
it doesnt have to be advertised... i dont want full hardcore sets.. i just reckon some good hardcore could mix quite well with some nice fast hard house. it would be diverse and would make a nice change for people there not expecting it.
Re: Hardcore for Quality !! Lol ur kidding right? Personally all hard house is pots and pans clanging to me, but I respect it, unlike hardcore. Thats what Afterdark in sheilds used to be for, and look what happened to it!
i would like to see scot brown at quality like he would tear the roof off!!! the only thing it would probs never happen but you never know mr maitland by any chance do you like scott brown..
fools you know it would work, i dont want a hardcore night.. i just want mark or someone to have a blast at playing a few hardcore tracks mid set. it would definately work... people like a nice floor filler chunky punky tune cmon baby.. hardcore for quality. get scott brown in!
nah... theres a time and place for hardcore.... boy racer cruises. why not go to slamming vinyl/etc if u want hh & hardcore?
The day i hear hardcore at foundation will be the day i pack my stuff in a gingham hankie - and move on to greener pastures
you would be quite right mate, but if they eva do book hardcore dj's id love to hear a bit of LENNEY DEE!!!!:evil: