I was reading the Harry Potter collection as everyone went on anbout them but soon got bored half way through the 2nd book n have been for past 5 month! AS you can tell not much of a reader!
obviously not. the last book i read was ' the hunt for red october ' which is class imo, better than the film. ( shock horror, the daft twat can read as well ) im not just a pretty face ( well fat bastard )
im into my geeky books at the minute! im currently reading "The Art of Deception" by Kevin Mitnick. Its all about social engineering....some of the stuff people do is well mad, its a bloody class book! Its a good read for any1 interested in computer security/hacking/social engineering! (yeh, im a sad geek ) Also reading Jeremy Clarkson "Born to be Riled" - its a collection of his writings. Also a good read!
I read pretty much everyday, in the bath!!! Lush. Reading the latest Harry Potter again atm. Quite fancy reading Lord of the Rings again, but I know it'll take forever. I love Captain Correlli's Mandolin too, one of the best books Ive read.
I'm reading "the lovely bones" cant remember who by. It's narrated by a 14 year old murdered girl in heaven
At uni i'm reading pretty much every copy ever issued of the Law Quarterly Review (that's what it feels like anyway). At home i'm reading Don Quixote for the second time, my favourite book. Just finished American Pyscho yesterday, the books so much more fucked up than the film, and i thought the film was bad.
Ya should have read the Hobbit first, makes abit more sense when ya do. Or have you already??? :spangled:
You need to read Silmarillion b4 Unfinished Tales or The History of Middle Earth. His other stuff not based on the Hobbits is ok but aint as good
persuasion in advertising for my dissertation and im about to start american psycho, though thats for my own personal pleasure
im reading bill bryson - notes from a small island at the mo, just started it at weekend tho havnt really got into it yet
Innovators Solution - Clayton M. Christensen its the thid time I've read this... i highly recommend this to anyone who runs their own business or wnats to go into business... Its the most thought provoking book I've ever read - it will change te way u do business Also check his first book out: Innovators Dilema. Also just read Tim Burtons The Melancholy Death Of Oyster Boy