Proof that americans are nuts... Broadband users only.... holy moley.
Talk about trying to get one over... the news reader seems to have a great big British chip on his shoulder... its amazing how quickly and scathingly they can turn to something else as soon as they have a controversy (lack of wmd in Iraq) to dust over and avoid!
Jesus, talk about having issues! Typical yank attitude of if you dont support america you are a target for some sort of abuse or action
funny that. Seeing that rupert murdoch owns most of american and british media. "Flags in their lapelles" what a fuckhead.
ok, the bbc reporter was wrong but americans are nuts!, bush is a psycho. and if it wasnt for the SAS, america's intelligence would be screwed!
Things like this does my head in... America is not the only Country in the World and London is not the only city in England