Nightclubs in Leeds Need some recommendations please. Friday and saturday night who, where, when, or how. No Hard House is required. Merci
No doubt about it for Sat - go to Basics at Rehab. Yousef & Justin Long this week then Layo & Bushwacka then Armand van Helden in weeks after, plus best team of residnets in country.
cheers mate, found that web site as soon as you posted the info. Need some more options so keep em coming.
technique at the mint club is good, lots of breaks also hard times at the space for the likes for miguel migs, louie vega, martin soliveg etc
its shit! 22quid for a pint, 2 bottles of smirnoff ice and 2 double vodkas and more fighting beer boys than a rockport convention... go to the bars around the corn exchange an you'll get shitloads of flyers an stuff for the better clubs.
When i went down i never spent much was pissed as fuck and scored! Turned out a good nite for me... maybee it was jus one of those nights!!!
I saw Laurent Garnier at Stinkys Peephouse on a Friday, i think the night is called Superconductor. Its deffo worth a look in.
Where the hell was it, couldnt find it anywhere, asked the taxi driver where it was and he just ripped me off by about £5 for asking. Munt
nice thread, ne one know ne more hh or trance nites cos as far as things r goin atm ill be moving down there in the summer for uni!
I'll be doing the same after my gap year! its needs to av sum trance clubs mind! otherwise i'll go to manchester or sumwhere!
good plan! but ive just applied for a job to work for a company based in peterborough ... or brazil... d+b hotbeds init!
oooh, ive found some! I need to go to the Manchester Open day but atm Leeds is my no.1 choice and I have both high and low offers from there so its looking pretty certain unless Manchester changes my mind!
Theres some good bars next to the corn exchange, cant remember all of them but DrD, and Doctor wul, i think their called. rehab is next to their for back2basics, the bars are open till 2am and iam sure the clubs are open till about 4 or 6. Our hotel was right next to majestyk and it was ikon revived, probably worse, never saw so many police in my life, and everyone was just kicking shit out of everyone, good job we were in a taxi. The bouncers are canny aswell. but the taxi drivers are arseholes, u gotta watch it coz the private hires dont have metres in their cabs, so watch they dont over charge u for not being local.
but if you can run fast then jus get them to drop you off a lil bit away from where you are going and leg it... or even better try an get them to drop you near a police officer cos when they pick you up with out being booked its illegal
Well, I'm guessing you are not Asian or you could have went to Majestyk and got kicked to fcuk* off Bowyer and Woodgate and their no-hope** mate Hackworth. Failing that, Jody Morris could always rape you***, or Alan Smith could always throw a bottle in your face****. Either way, Leeds sounds like a great night, full of celebrities. *allegedly ** in my opinion *** charges were dropped ****can't argue with television footage, 4 angles and a slow mo replay