Crimson Puzzle f.a.o any one who has had a go at the crimson puzzle on here, can u please tell me where the battery is. thanx sanchez
Behind the bed... not at the pillow bit but the bit against the wall... try clicking towards the right but not so you change the view... takes a while but works eventually... fucking frustrating...
A game that has been doing the rounds... if you wanna waste a part of your life that you can never take back, find it it the humour forum... I hated it but had to finish it.
i thought it was mindless shit... point and click till u find something.. hardly taxing! - i dont mean that ur thick if u cant do it - i mean its pointless...
that is fuckin amazin badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger mushroom mushroom
i can't get it on my work pc...tells me i don't have this japanese thing loaded up so it won't work!!!