party monster anyone seen this? wasn't as good as i thought it would be but its a bit freaky seeing as it's true!:spangled: how good is the bit where they are standing on the podiums with the loudspeaker singing along to felix! will mr culkin ever look over the age of 12 though?
when's that film about the speed addicts with brittney murphy out? is it called spun? that looks good!
spun is pretty good. the film doesnt really go anywhere, buts its still good. loads of good screen play and visuals. The director usually makes music videos.
cool! ive been wanting to see it for ages cos it looks good, and she's well fit too! seen anything else good recently?there hasnt been much about for a while in boro blockbuster!
Re: party monster Where you seen this Dave?? When it was out at the pictures, or not out, as the case maybe, it was not on at any N.E. cinema!! Then it came out on rental last week, and it wasn't my video shop didn't even have it in!!! Me want to see this!!
Re: Re: Re: party monster Bit late now isn't it?? How cute, you and Revel posted about it at exactly the same time!!:flowers:
Just saw this last night, brilliant film, like you said it doesnt go anywhere, it a bit like, what the fukks happening. good film, bit of a change from the usual crappy story lines that role through the cinemas these days making maga bucks for crap films. 7/10