Ibiza clubs may be limited to 65dB Would be crap if that happened! http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/1435942.stm
Not more than 100 times louder at all, just 100 times more pressure, would sound about 3 times louder. I assume that means 65 dB outside, not inside. I am sure you know my feelings on loud sound; I would be happy to see a noise limit on clubs ( albeit a far less draconian one than 65 db).
as i sed, 100 times more pressure, but loudness is a subjective measure, ur referring to the pressure exerted per unit area by the sound wave, which isn't the same thing the way ur saying it, the loudest sound we can hear is about 12 000 000 000 times louder than the quietest. u said, "Remember 3dB increase = twice as loud, but takes 100 times more power to acheive." ? 3 db takes 2x as much power, 10 ^ (3/10) , but 3 db is the smallest detectable change in volume to the human ear, 10 db is considered to br around twice as loud. I didnt specify the limit, I was thinking about 100 db. That is still enough to damage peoples ears badly, but it would take more time, and if you wore earplugs you could be sure of reducing it to safe levels. The volume levels in some places now are apparently looking to be 130 dB. That will literally give you hearing loss after one listening session almost certainly - even with earplugs, its about 100 db, which means hearing damage after a few hours.
LOL! Well i didnt look at the date, it just said "recent articles associated with this" when I was reading another article. It was referring to Inside yes. But if its three years old, it doesnt matter! :doh: