Bastard Motorists Today I was out on my bike, in the lovely hailstone and rain (it seemed quite sunny in the morning!) I was on one of the main roads leading up to Blyth/Ashington way, at the side cycling along. Coming up to a roundabout to turn right, I signalled with my arm, so that maybe a car would slow down to let me move over to the centre of the road. What did I get? Some car speed right past me tooting their horn and the driver giving me the V sign And I can guarantee I know what he was thinking..."FUCKING CYCLISTS!" Well go FUCK YOURSELF! I've been cycling on roads for ages now and I know how NOT to annoy motorists, I keep right in so that people can pass, and when some large vehicle comes along which can't pass easily, I hop my bike onto the pavement at the next opportunity. I stop at red lights. I indicate when I'm turning. But motorists are getting far too pissed off with us cyclists! And it's not just that, when I was waiting at a zebra crossing later today, a car stopped but the driver gave me the hackiest of looks just for making him stop! Think about us! We're not polluting, we're paying loads for public transport (or paying in terms of energy when cycling!), and for the majority of the time, we're getting out of the way of you. Yet whenever we get in YOUR way, you have to fucking get annoyed. Get it sorted you bastard motorists Any of my fellow pedestrians/cyclists getting pissed off at people like these?
Re: Bastard Motorists no excuses for that, you should have walked over and opend his door and asked him what his problem was. no excuses, stop at the zebra crossings if sumbody wants to cross, cant see why people in cars get arsey about that,i mean most pedestrians dont even use them, the ones that do should be given a slice of cake or sumthing
lol, bless him!! @micky-owens...cylists have just as much rite to be on the road, regardless of whether they pay road tax! xx
Its amazing how your path of thought changes. Im a keen mountain biker and understand how you feel, i fucking hate drivers as well. But when I get in the car, i instantly change to that bastard who hates cyclists. amazin really
maybe in the older days, these days im not so sure, its not having a go at him, but face facts motorists are being raped every time they drive anywhere, its no wonder they get pissed off, the amount of cars on the roads now compared with the time when i passed my test is scarey, everybody is slowley getting more and more pissed of with the road networks, to the point where they seriously begrudge paying road tax, when it means the goverment doesnt spend fuck all on road maintence, and allows other users to dwaddle along for free and hold these paying people up imagine it this way, you pay for a high speed train ticket, but it never goes as fast as it should, because theres a few people pushing there own train along the lines, you would blow your top!! and probably demand a refund or sumthing
um how the fuck can you say the government spend nothing on road maintenance? theres always roadworks going on ffs! an also cyclists are doing there bit by not polluting the atmosphere for our children... i think its just north east drivers are a bit shit anyways (no offence to any1 here) i don't think they even know the highway code/right of way etc... also good manners cost nothing! i have never been cut up and rammed so much as up here, not even in busy rush hour city traffic!
agreed! soon as they get on the motorway its game over! Not a clue on what lane they're meant to be in! U drive to leeds, etc, 3 lane motorways and theres no bother at all, soon as u get closer back to the NE then it starts getting confusing for them!
By your incredibly intelligent logic, they should kick students out of housing as they don't pay council tax.
not really ascouncil tax doesn't pay for the house... it pays for services to the house... stop the binmen/street cleaners to the houses... i don't think many students would notice! also no fire/police service to the house - we'd be homeless now if this was the case!
FAO mickey owens would you mind filling in a survey for my dissertation please? the title is - is congestion charging a suitable approach for restraining traffic growth? case study : newcastle