Graphic Design Companies in Newcastle Anyone know any? which is the best? My mates Bro works for 'Infinite Design', so i already know that one. I need several quotes for loads of work.
Its a big project, ill PM you the details. I just need quotes, and examples of previous work at the moment, to show my partners. Urban River, used to work with them when I worked at Canny bunch of people, proper designer-types as well, there office was virtually the set of 'The Salon', but with I Macs and desks
If you want things such a posters, logos and flyer designs, or something along those lines, then put posters up in Newcastle College around the graphic design rooms offering the students a really small fee if they do x amount of work for you. I'm sure you'll be able to do the same in the Uni's. Hope that helps. Unsure what it is you're actually after.
Its a big importnat project, i need a company with a good reputation, and good past work. And the ability to take on and successfully manage a large project.