Screech does Shindig! Well it's certainly been a while since I went to Shindig, last time I went was Feb 2003 for Digweed!! I went last night though, and it was mint! Credence party with Nic Fanciulli and MYNC Project. Tunes were totally immense, stayed right til the end! Bit tired now like, and got work The atmosphere and clientelle is sooooo much different in Shindig...instead of people giving you the friendly nudge on the arm and an "excuse me".....they often just barge through....and its usually birds. With shit haircuts. A cracking night though, MYNC were especially impressive, really should go more often Any of you 's go? Didn't see anyone off the board!
Nah mate, saw him at Circus last December. He's pretty decent. I don't like his peak-time stuff, it's a bit shit, but his warmup stuff is bang on
Early on, yeah Was playing some good stuff. Natural Rhythm/Pete Dafeet stuff, etc. Was funny, walked upstairs in Circus and goes to Amy "Pete's given Nic some stuff, be cool to see if he plays it...". Walked in and he played 'Hey Papi'
How can anyone enjoy those ****s MYNC?? i went to shindig a year ago and they were on, SO SHIT!!! ive never been back. Van Helden dosent count
not shit at all mate! every single person there was having a classt may not like them, but that don't make them shit! Allie - Yes thats why I rang!
Yeah, Mark & Nick are like chalk & cheese. One's a cheesehead and runs Credence, the other plays really decent stuff. Together, it don't really work :spangled:
I went to Shindig for the 3rd and last time on Saturday. The only time I have experienced a moodier atmosphere was at Legends on a riotous bank holiday weekend. Hardly any charvas there though, in total contrast to the other 2 times I have been to Shindig. Obviously the regulars don't consider the acts on that night to be amongst the better ones they get, as it was as dead as I have seen Foundation in the past year, more so than any Quality I have been to which includes them all apart from Tinrib. I only liked 2 tunes from the whole night... Was it MYNC on last playing crap rehashes of crap 80's songs? I can remember about 30 minutes of that at the end after about 4 hours of 50 BPM lullabies! Most people seemed to enjoy it though.
It was the most dead I have seen Shindig like! There were about 2 80s tunes of which was Blue Monday, which is legendary! Some of the tunes before that were totally mint, I was knackered, but they gave me a lot of energy. Top notch
Exactly mate, if the government announced the re-introductionof the burning of heretics, I would be out collecting firewood