wiggle wiggle stomp,wiggle,stomp,wiggle,hoover,stomp,hoover,stomp,and let's twist again like we did lst summer ohh and stomp,stomp.stomp dance like a chicken,stomp,stomp,
hey hey it's all about the music, i love hard house and travell alot to various nights so ive sin alot of dj,s and they were jst my pick off the ones that have played blinders. But thats why quality diddnt work cause he doesnt like hard house so he only knows what the big names can do and who the mixmag says his hot at the mo ,
yes yes i am he. What i gave him was messy monkey my sidekick as i went as messy man to the arena. but dont fear i have 2 other messy monkeys to help me in the fight to keep hard house alive
Re: BOAT THREAD - Sounds very good, got no cash this month as im saving for my hols at the beginning of june. Should have some spare pennies later on in june or july if it's on again, or is this a one off thing???
Re: yeah i think if hard house was more popular mate it would be on more often, quality as a night started good then door numbers decreased so it closed, so i cant see them having too many hard nights on at promise as it doesnt look beneficial. and quality mixed it up quite well i think had had k90 lab-4 etc, but theres only a few of names in HH that wud really drag the crowds in and glazby is one of them, so they had him on a couple of times i think. This detox night looks canny never checked the thread tho, think ill give it a look now
woohoo i didnt know it was HH downstairs on the boat, i thought it was energy trance or something! Im even more excited now!! :clap:
I cant hear that here, dont think the uni libry would be appreciative of an outburst of gabba. each to their own i spose...but i doubt ill ever be a fan
is this the kinda stuff that was on at that warehouse party u wanted me to go to a while back kyle, i wud have curled up into a little ball in some corner