Who thinks Ibiza is dying?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Frankie, May 18, 2002.

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Who thinks Ibiza is dying?

  1. Yes?

    6 vote(s)
  2. No?

    7 vote(s)
  1. Frankie

    Frankie Registered User

    Jan 7, 2002
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    Who thinks Ibiza is dying?

    I have been to Ibiza for the last six years and the music each year seems to be getting more and more housey over there.
    I went in 2000 and I could even see a massive difference last year when I went.
    One good thing is Slinky are trying out Es Paradis this year so hopefully that may be a success, and hopefull bring crasker back to Eden.
  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. batfink

    batfink Registered User

    Dec 21, 2001
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    i dont know if this is true as i have never been... but from what i hear alot of the clubs are filled with essex boyz.. yobs with 2 much cash... that seems to be the general feel u get.. i know obviously it is still full of "clubbers" as well...
    *apologises for sweeping generalisations that were madeto emphasise the point*
  4. my monkey

    my monkey Registered User

    Jan 26, 2002
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    Currently residing at Tribal Sessions in Sankeys s
    Apart from the big clubs, Ibiza has turned into "little London"
    You'll find that there's a lot of pretensiousness about, the music is house, progressive house, and most people are from around London region.

    Ibiza is a great place to go, but be warned, its not a "Lads" holiday, its somewhere to take your Girlfriend.
  5. Doggie

    Doggie Registered User

    Nov 12, 2001
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    Magaluf is shite!!:D do not go there!!!:mad:
  6. Guest

    that's what i did and it was lush, just didn't have enough money. but i can see what you're saying there thoughm
  7. Simon Stuart

    Simon Stuart Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    Newcastle, UK
    fuck what are you'se on about! can't think of a worse place to take a girlfriend!!! First time I went turned my life around completely.

    Ibiza will never die, it's been a spiritual meeting point for thousands of years and will always attract life's eccentrics and outsiders.

    People should go to the other side though. Apart from Del Mar and Mambo, they should build a big fucking wall round San An, call it Ibiza 2 and ship in all the knobs there - though they might as well go to any other carbon copy holiday resort. It's all the same shit.

    Can safely say that Ibiza has made me a better person, it's cemented friendships, introduced me to new people and cultures and switched me onto new ideas.

    If you go there simply looking for the same promoters/dj's/parties that take place in the UK you're missing the whole point entirely.

    Ibiza was never just about music or that, it was always about freedom and happiness.

    ... oh and as far as the past decade and a half is concerned, House has been the primary sound, it ain't a new thing - It turned it into the clubbers paradise it still is.
    Fuck don't make me give you all the essay :eek: :eek: :eek:
  8. Guest

    i went last year for the 1st time and totally got the feeling that i missed out on SO much. i did exactly what you said you shouldn't and went across to see the same kinda stuff in the UK.

    I wana go across this year and explore it more but to go to places other than San An (ie Ibiza Town etc) i just get the feeling it would cost an arm and a leg!

    have you got any kinda advice coz i wana discover what you were just botting on about?
  9. Simon Stuart

    Simon Stuart Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    Newcastle, UK
    Brief Ibiza Tips For Beginners:

    + By all means book a package deal, sorts a lot of faffy stuff out and will ulitimately cost you the least amount of money.

    +avoid your rep! As nice as they are, they're there to get you to part with even more cash when your there on 'enriching ' holiday experiences. Be nice and by all means get them plastered and shag them (err, slight deviation...) by sign up to nowt, whatever it is, it's a rip off and the free entry to clubs they temp you with is to shit clubs...

    +try to avoid hotels in San Antonio itself, you will NEVER, and I mean NEVER get any peace.

    +avoid the West End, you'll know it when you see it, Bigg Market anyone??...

    +Budget! booze etc. is pricey in clubs for those on a budget so get stocked up at supermarkets before, hav a few before heading out and don't set off too early. Ideal time to start warming up is about midnight, then hit the clubs for about 2ish.
    When eating out either look around or ask at the hotel, some people will be more forthcoming than others with info about where's good or bad, but for fuck's sake your in a foreign country, eat some foreign food -you'll enjoy it, don't live on burgers and chips blah blah blah, your British not American!

    +Get a good guide book MOS did a good 'un that was very clubber orientated as do Rough guides and lonely planet. They'll tell you where to go when you're sick of sunbathing and in need of some postcards to send the rellies. Come on, you've paid a few hundred quid for this holiday, you should see a bit of the world you're in, not live by the fookin pool.

    +clubs are not cheap to get into, look for the holidays that offer up free entry to nights, like the ministry of sound holidays etc. to help bring costs down.

    +4 Clubbing musts: CAFE DEL MAR and chill the fuck out, PACHA and talk to a complete stranger, AMNESIA and loose yourself in the smoke, SPACE and cheer at the planes overhead.

    +Manumission is shite and overated. Terrible sound system and full of beer boys hanging round, waiting for a sex show that'll never happen

    +learn some lingo, even if you're shit, you'll get so much more from the Spanish if you try (and if your after something special, learn Catalan)

    +spend even just one or two nights not on a heavy one- especially if you're out for two weeks, you'll enjoy your whole time so much more and not require so much time off work when you get back... believe me I've learn't my lesson

    there's so much more but my heads buzzing, I haven't booked anywhere yet, but got the first two weeks in July off - I'm SO there!!

    Is that OK
  10. Simon Stuart

    Simon Stuart Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    Newcastle, UK
    Oh and try and go with people who'd be willing to do all that too, there's nowt worse than going with all the best intentions and being steam rollered into shit to keep people happy:(
  11. Doggie

    Doggie Registered User

    Nov 12, 2001
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    Simon, thats so sensible, thats scary, but... it is the best advice!!! I did two weeks in Magalouf, and although we all had a laugh lookin back... it was shit!!! If u re into your music, dont go to Magalouf... One club there...BCM, but they only had a good night once or twice a week... There are much better place to spend two weeks!!
  12. Yosef Ha'Kohain

    Yosef Ha'Kohain Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    I'm with simon on this ibiza will never die... it also will never and has never been about trance clubs/music?!?!?!? When you go to clubs like godskitchen in amnesia as good as they are they don't feel balearic they feel like a british club in ibiza, same with crasher @ eden and any of the other trance clubs out there... they're not as special.

    My only advice would be don't just go to mambo or del mar (which are often filled with nobbers and pretendy hippies) travel a few yards down the coast to kanya and coastline both much better bars with better sunsets, better crowd and better dj's (jon sa trincha - say no more!).

    If you want to get drunk cheaply then go clubbing - DO go to the strip - they have promotions as bad as buy one drink get a bottle of tequila free! :eek: You can get rat arsed on a fiver, saving your hard earned coin for your club entry... unfortunatly you often have to share your drink with some bnp member :D

    Do talk to the hippies/locals and flyerers (of decent clubs) and ask where the best places to go are, we got put on to some wikkid after parties and beach parties. Also see the flyerers for party perscriptions DO NOT but off the black looky looky dell boys pushing fake silver plated rolox's on the beach front.

    DO trip at least one pudding on stilts over :D

    DO spend at least one day shopping/drinking/eating in the old town... DON'T go to any of the cyberdog shops its more expensive than in england (I blew £500 on cyberdog last year in ibiza :eek:)
  13. Guest

    that's wicked advice, i think i'm guna print it off and save it!

    cheers simon
  14. Simon Stuart

    Simon Stuart Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    Newcastle, UK
    That's not even the half of it mate, think I might do a full one and send it out to however wants it. Maybe pull in other peoples tips too (Not Smart E's though I mean Cyber dog is so last season!)
  15. Guest

    well you can email it to me, i'm hoping to get out in september for the closing parties, well, i say it's for that reason, it's really just so i can get some money together!! :rolleyes:
  16. Rob

    Rob Registered User

    Jun 5, 2006
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    Sancho Panza
    I've only been once but I loved it. I think Ibiza is similar to the UK for clubbing, there is lots of total cheesy toss but there is also lots of amazing (world beating) clubs.

    You just need to use your head about picking your destinations and you will have an amazing time.

  17. Lil'Gem

    Lil'Gem Registered User

    Jan 24, 2002
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    right where they hung that monkey!!!
    this year will be the 3rd time for me, I will be celebrating/comesorating loosing my teenage years there this year (its my 20th birhday when I'm there).

    I dunno if ibiza actually changed, but my 2nd time was defintley a different, better experience to my 1st. i didnt really havea clue on my 1st time, i went everywhere i was told to go basically (from magazines, reccomendations from reps, etc) and it was dead commerical. there was also too many of us who went i we spernt half the trying to do stuff we all wanted to do, which most of the time was not what i wanted - but i really really enjoyed it stiil, danced my heart out, and forgot about that thing called 'sleep' and it was goon enought to make wme want to go back.

    last year, knowing i wanted to try different things, i enjoyed it in a totally different way, went to the west end once when i went the the howrad night at playa 2. otherwise i experienced more pacha and ibiza town and less eden. more shenanigans at beach parties, and more exploring new types of clubbing and opened my my to music i would only listen to if i didnt have the option of trance. i also saw a lot more of the island and my eyes were really opened.

    so in other words, i dont think ibiza changes, i think its people's perceptions of it, just depends what your looking for from it. there is defintley a holiday for every personality, and everbody's taste's & its up to you to make it good
  18. Guest

    and why does more house music make it worse? :confused:
  19. Sleepy

    Sleepy Registered User

    Mar 15, 2002
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    I woz just thinkin that n'all.

    Ibiza aint getting any worse i dont fink.

    Depends who u go with tho - if ur with the right ppl u can ave a good time ANYWHERE!

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