Excel problem....

Discussion in 'Technology' started by trance_fan, Jun 23, 2004.

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  1. trance_fan

    trance_fan Registered User

    Nov 7, 2002
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    Excel problem....

    I have a task to do at work which basically involves me having to look at one particular row in one spreadsheet, and then, using the id code as an identifier between the two (both spreadsheets have the same ID code for each record ie. the code one one spreadsheet refers to the same entry on the other one), place the data from this row into a row of the same name on the other spreadsheet.

    The spreadsheet has over 5000 records in it, so naturally I don't want to have to print one off, and then use the reference codes to go through each record individually and then manually enter the data into the row (which happens to be region - north east, north west etc.), as this will take forever.

    Is there a way that I can create a lookup so that it uses the ID code from each spreadsheet to read in the correct data from the other spreadsheet?

    I know that sound a bit confusing but i'm sure you get my drift!

    Any help would be much appreciated, as it would literally save me hours of manual entry.

    Thanks in advance.
  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. Dez

    Dez Registered User

    Nov 14, 2002
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    Try looking in the help for HLook Up and VLook Up functions. Used them ages ago
    They might help you
  4. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    it'd be a doodle in access!
  5. trance_fan

    trance_fan Registered User

    Nov 7, 2002
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    well, i'm stuck with Excel unfortunatley!
  6. Chris Fee

    Chris Fee Registered User

    May 8, 2002
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    i think i no what u mean, i am currently doin a excel database for one of my units in 6th form

    most likely it shud be a VLookup i'll have a look see what i have done
  7. Chris Fee

    Chris Fee Registered User

    May 8, 2002
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    mines pretty similar, i have an ID number for each part that has been bought from a supplier and selt to the customer in my spreadsheet, and i have supplier, customer & part name within it, and if the ID number changes so does the Supplier, Customer & Part

    is that kind of the thing your saying?

    if it is then i have a seperate row for the ID number and seperate rows for customer, supplier & part

    i have made a sperate sheet in it with the ID in one row and the customer and parts and suppliers in other rows

    i then used the Vlookup to link them =Vlookup(a3,sheet1!$L$1:$P$24,3)

    the a3 is where the Id number is, and sheet1 is where all my records are kept in seperate sheet so i can do the vlookup. and the numbers are where the records are. and the 3 bit is which column im actually lookin up

    it sounds so complicated lol

    i think its somethin ya have to do if i have the actual spreadsheet. hopefully that may help u :)
  8. DoctorMick

    DoctorMick Registered User

    Apr 2, 2002
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    Sunderland :)
    If ur using two different spreadsheets (not worksheets) I doubt a vlookup would work. A bit of VBScript would do it, shudn't be that hard to write if u know what ur doing...fucked if u don't tho!

    If you attempt it and get stuck gimme a shout and i'll try and help.
  9. trance_fan

    trance_fan Registered User

    Nov 7, 2002
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    I sorted it, cheers :)

    Incidently Chris it was along those lines but not quite the same.

    For the record, linking two spreadsheets using vlookup DOES work just fine :)

    Got it all done and dusted, saved about 100 years of work :lol:

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