jersey girls... another film thread... im off to see jersey girls tonight, not my choice, anyone seen it? ive been told its a chick flick... does that mean ill fall asleep?
I'm a big kevin smith fan but theres an ominous feeling inside me that this will be GASH. The trailers looked like a standard quirky love film.
its true, im taking my fag hag mark - didnt realise it was a kevin smith film! im actually lookin forward to it now... should have guessed from the title really.. aniston in a smith film??? :spangled:
I went to see it a week or two ago, its a decent film, nowt like any other Kevin Smith films tho. Aniston isn't in it, J Lo is.
it was ok... affecks effort was very much on the wooden side though.. and tyler looked like and alien... was impressed by the kids acting though...