I've not had any real problems with it, have bought and sold, just take note of the buyers feedback - if bad don't bother - if high your normally OK as they won't want any negitive feedback. Excitement shall be yours as you win your first item - I gazumped someone right at the death for my first purchase, was like,"COME ONE"!
i've bought loads from america/asia an have never been caught by customs... most of the better traders know how to make it look right to get thru customs i think... some even say that they will refund te charges if you get caught!
customs randomly open packages that are delivered into the uk & then charge the recipient for the privilage!
doesn't always work like that...my wrong sized puma's seller had all high feedback scores as does my cd bloke whos english is pish poor! :evil:
:laugh: I suppose its just risky about it getting sent over and stuff. Theres some cool things on there though :groovy: What sort of stuff 2 do you buy?
All sorts - rare DVD's - game Cube games - art, you can get some great paintings at good prices etc. - household goods - mirrors - and fun stuff for birthdays etc. There's a real E-Bay arse bandit next to me at work who's never off it - he's just won a caravan holliday in Amble for £275. Sure there's the risk of gettin ripped off, but it ain't happened to me yet!
yeah i had to pay £30 the other month... an then fed ex said i hadn't paid it an the debt collection agency who they use is based near my parents house an on of my best mates knows the guy who owns it! haven't heard anything back from them so i'm hoping its all been sorted now! jus bought some jeans wi money i don't have off there now... damn you cyberchick for putting ebay in my head!
i think thats what happend with my doll. guess it was probably cos when it was xrayed, it was a 7lb package with a baby looking shape in blankets. hmm...
Anyone who classes a trip to Amble as a holiday must have a piss poor home life How long a stay does £275 get you? 3 years?
Defo. And always leave feedback too, especially bad feedback for everyone else to know too. Ive only bought vinyl from ebay and its always been fine. Bargins too
i went to leave feed back fro the fucker that sent me the pumas but there wasn't any where for me to leave it! :evil:
its been bout 2 weeks since i got them but i thought i'd try emailing her b4 leaving nasty feedback but she didn't respond & ebay haven't got back to me after i reported her! :evil: :evil:
i use it all the time watching a half leather recaro interior for my bmw at the moment IS about £80 at the moment probably get it for about £200 new would be worth a grand never sold anything yet though the only drawback is my girlfriend knows my account details :strop: bids for loads of stuff :tut: never tells me then forgets to pay :doh: and then i have to sort it all out afterwards WOMEN !!!! :evil:
By trust I take it your meaning Feedback, mine is: Feedback Score: 44 Positive Feedback: 100% Members who left a positive: 44 Members who left a negative: 0 All positive feedback received: 48 Looks like I need to start selling as I want the next star
ha got to leave my feed back was looking for anothe rpair onf mostro's & came accross her id...when i clicked the link it said i could leave feed back for the item i won...i found it hard to keep it down to 80 characters but managed to say what i need to, well i think so anyway. 'Appalling, wrong size & item, no response when emailed.Don't waste time or money'