Trains. Cheap. Been on the GNER site checking for trains down to birmingham, what I don't understand is I can get a 'value 3 day advance single' for £20 each way, or I can get a return for £70???? isn't it supposed to be cheaper if you buy returns? I was wondering if there are any conditions (like more train changes) that would lower the price of a return journey, I'm like uber-skint right now. I never travel by train, so train travellers please give me some advice! ta
Re: Trains. Cheap. train travel and public transport in general is shit. It is a rip-off ad over-rated. Try easyjet, its cheaper, faster, and less hassle.
i fly to and from bristol and back on a regular basis. bristol is only hour and half from birmingham. so in fact you could fly to bristol for £30 return then catch a coach to birmingham for £16 return and it'd still be cheaper and faster than the train.
Virgin trains Dont think it will be any cheaper cos i think the prices are set by British rail rather than the individual companies, but the Virgin trains are are lot nicer to be on If its cheaper to get 2 singles than it is to get a return then do that
Ring the national rail enquiries on 08457 48 49 50 and they'll work out the cheapest way for you to do it but if its cheap with buying 2 singles then just do that? The reason the returns will be more expensive is because they have different prices for different type tickets on a first come first serve if the cheap returns have run out then its still possible to get cheap singles. Sometimes its even cheaper to go first class off peak.
I used to do Newcastle to Birmingham every 2 weekends not so long ago. It's definately best to book 2 singles instead of a return. If you're going to be a frequent traveller & are under 26yrs old, it's worth buying a young persons rail card. Saves you 33% on each ticket (even cheapos - I used to get to Brum for £7.50 each way...!). If in the event there were no cheap tickets left, the saving on the first trip alone would outweigh the price of a rail card (about £20 I think now...). Full fair to Brum used to be £67 return or £45-ish with a rail card. Virgin are the only company you can use as they've got the cross-country lines. GNER are East Coast only. Having said that, GNER's website is easier to book from. Click HERE for direct link. If you want the 14 day advanced tickets, it's best to look at least 4 weeks in advance of travel date. the 14/7/3 days are a load of rubbish, they release a limited number of tickets for each price range. In the past, I've booked 4 weeks in advance but there were only the 3 day tickets remaining... Hope this helps...
Thanks scottyfish, what would virgin do if I put my own train on their cross-country lines? i think i'll just buy my own train
Because of all the rail networking problems Virgin haven't been releasing their saver tickets till 1 week before travel. If you tried 2 weeks ago it would have cost you 70 quid. You can get Newcastle to Stratford for 40 quid return and you will be back in Newcastle on Sunday at 1:30ish (if its Gathering I presume you are sorting this out for). If you want to brave the coach tommy vercetti on the for sale page has 2 coach tickets for 50quid (these willcost you 60 quid anywhere in town). Best be quick on both counts though as re: The Virgin saver tikcets - there were only 4 left when tommy V. got his yesterday and them vercetti coach tickets will be going back to RPM if there are no takers!!!.
I looked into trains from Leeds to GG a few years back. There was nothing back till like 1000 Sunday morning. You'd thought they would run specials from Stratford to various points around the country