its a seratonin precursor - you can take a load of it before or after you take something to minimise comedowns... apparently. you can also take it generally as a mood enhancer and some people use it as a herbal antidepressant.
go to bed after a heavy night out.. drop 2 (providing they're 50mg, only drop 1 if they're 100mg), wake up the next day minus the depression. Take one the following night as well, and the night after if you want just to be safe.. totally eradicates the depression side of a c/d.. i'm scared to cane it without this because i'm usually not myself for up to 3 days and if you can't smile about the class night you've just had, what's the point anyway? some people take it 1/2/3 days before to get them more fucked but i've tried it and not noticed a difference (meant to work for weekly cainers which i'm not).
is this 5htp drug available over the counter or by other less legal methods?? not that im interested, just intrigued
Bought 2 jars of this a canny while back, and i only ever needed to take it after a major weekend or after a good night at Promise - either way it's at a time when I'm all out of Seretonin since i've enjoyed it all weekend and need a replenishment to keep me out of a major dip. These days i dont take it any more.. but for the day after when you know for a fact you'll be alcohol free but know you'll feel like crap - it's worth taking one or two the evening before to take the edge off.
its good, used to take it quite a lot when i went clubbing early on, havnt had any for a while, you can definately feel the differance tho