Food on the Quayside? I was up at our newcastle office situated on the quayside yesterday and when lunchtime came around i thought i'd have a little wander out to try and find a sandwich shop or something of similar ilk. absolutely fuck all, couldn't find one anywhere. I ended up spending about 15 mins walking round the quayside before cracking a getting ripped off to eat in the mal maison. newcastle folk there is a prime business opportunity for a top class sandwich shop on the quayside, seize this business opportunity and act now before it is too late! it also pissed down and i got fucking soaked! the result in the case we were trying more than made up for it though. this little scumbag who robbed an old woman in tynemouth of thousands of pounds worth of stuff including their portable computer which had been modified just for her disabled son got a guilty verdict and was sent down for 18 months. p.s. what the fuck is that sage building all about????
just been down to the pitcher and piano for lunch - in a word - was shit...... then had to pose for photos opposite that trilobite of a building... better than sainsburys tho
yeah i looked at the menu there and was well wank. all i wanted was a fucking sandwich. make it happen people.
Greggs are supposed to be goin in somewhere between Flynns and Chase. But i think they are havin problems because some residents of some flats are kickin up a fuss saying there will be a smell.
Scandals have a sandwich shop nar the Tyne Bridge, and there are much better restaurants in that area of the quayside
For the number of people who live and work down there im really surprised nobody has opened some kind of small shop or delicatessen. Im guessing only businesses that turn over alot of money could ever hope to stand a chance - bars, restaurants etc. Probably just too expensive to open a sarnie shop.