Telewest I just rang Telewest to find out how much this months bill is and they say i dont owe them anything as i'm in credit even though i've never over paid and my new bill was due yesterday. At last a company makes a mistake that benefits me!
Re: Telewest i used to work for telewest, they wont have made a mistake, the systems dont allow them to make mistakes which work to the customers benefit, lol, only mistakes that work to their benefit....
Re: Re: Telewest well the lass i spoke to has noted my account saying i'm in credit and its correct yet i've only ever paid what i owed in the past and nothing more?? any ideas??
BT fucked up my old phone contract big style I had free phone calls and texts for 10 months, no line rental or anything :laugh: Oh and i didnt have to pay for the phone either
Nope :doh: They just blocked the sim card after 10 months Thats was about 3 years ago n i havent heard anything from them since, i must owe them about 3 grand :laugh:
a few years ago orange used to fuck up all the time, i had and P+G phone, and never had any money on it, yet it used to let me send texts and call people, this is when p+g phones first came out tho, so there must have been some problem with it, every1 knew about it tho, all my mates were on orange and we used to ring and text eachother all the time when we had no ££ on our phones, it went on for quite a few months aswell
And i used to get free text messages from BTCellnet if i switched my phone off when the message was sending
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Telewest hmmm, dunno tbh without seeing the account....usually when people are in credit its because theyve had BBI installed and they havnt had the surf disconnected....dont worry bout it then, lol, just think ureself lucky...its not very often the systems fuck up so that the customer comes out better off
i had that on p&g on orange was class, sometime its would work and sumtime it wouldnt tho, still free calls so couldnt really complain
was class wasnt it, every1 knew about it too, and totally took the piss!!! me and my brother used to sit in his flat and get stoned and make prank calls to people....ring people in norway and was hillerious, and it was free
Years ago when BT cellnet started with pay as you go my mate used to Chip theses Phillips Savvy phones. They used to come with £10 on them & once the chip was in you could switch the phone off n on and your £10 was back on again.. they sussed it eventually but not before we'd made lots n lots of £