Lost mobile last night! I lost my mobile at promise last night, would b greatly appreciated if anyone has info on its where abouts or anything at all really cheers xx
u've cancelled ur sim haven't u? i've just tried ringing it. 'the number you have dialled cannot accept this call, please hang up.' charming!
yeah told my dad about it when i got in n he phoned straight away, im so flippin stupid! Once maybe, twice is jus beyond belief! :evil: xx
u could have waited a bit to see if someone found it and turned it on - you can offer them a ten/twenty quid for it back and sometimes they will say yes. go with parents though..
I tried it loads at promise but it was off so jus couldnt really take the risk in the end. Its not 2 bad cause i can just get cheap 3 phone 4 about £40 n get a new sim same number hopefully, i thought they were all over the £100 bracket but thankful not!