Your perfect set at the minute All you Dj's on the board: if you could only play one more set then could never DJ again what would you play??
Dont think you could plan a set like that could you, you'd just have to take all your vinyl and then start playing and play whatever feels right at the time.
Yeah it's a bit of a weird question like. I reckon you could do 'Which tune or tunes would you make sure you played?', that's possible to answer. But then again, I still have absolutely no idea what I'd play. Actually, if it was my last ever set, I'd have to play 'Ms. E Loves Jazz' on Igloo
yeah was gonna say there's some tunes you would know you deffinatly wanted to play, but a whole set would be too much.......and you'd probably need about a 9 hour set to play evrything you wanted.....but then still have to leave stuff out. And id want to play stuff from different genres so it wud be a nightmare.
ok deffinatly....... Goldenscan - Halcyon Holden & Thompson - Nothing (93 returning mix) Airwave vs Rising Star - Sunspot (DCML MIX) Plasticboy - Silverbath Andain - Beautiful Things (Gabriel & Dresden unplugged mix) Westbam - Wizards of the Sonic Tiesto - Nyana Thrillseekers - Synethasia Freefall - Skydive Marco V vs PVD - For A Revolt Motorcycle - As the rush comes Airwave - Breathing (breaks dub)
not that i have my decks anymore (cheers basic instinct) but i'd def have to play: Adagio for strings pearl river electrique boutique - revelation goodfellas - soul heaven (dave clarke) Flight 643 cafe del mar (3n1) way out west - mindcircus
I'd definitely play something by Salt City Orchestra - possibly their mix of 'Cups' by Underworld - or 'Deliver Me' by The Beloved...then I'd play Underworld - 'Dark & Long' (Dark Train), Together - 'Hardcore Uproar', Lost Tribe - 'Musica', Degrees Of Motion - 'Shine On', 3 Drives - 'Greece 2000', BBG - 'Snappiness' (revisited mix)...............oh man - this is too hard! Oh - def Last Rhythm - 'Last Rhythm'