paintball yesterday class didnt do too badly for having nearly fack all sleep either.. got two bad boy bruises on my back and one on my hand.. jumped in nettle bushes a few times as well - bad move wud deffo go again.. shud book it sometime for us lot.. ive got a massive 'id love to shoot that fucker' list.
class innit! There's always some spod who makes a 'fort' though and sits there sniping at people....I got a hit on my forehead last time I went - it looked like an egg stuck on my bonce next day! Good advice - don't climb's fine to start with, then everyone realises you're up there and shoots f*ck out of you - plus I got collared by a marshall
Re: Re: paintball yesterday needed my bed man! ta for the cuppa mind tom wasnt as appreciative tho these fucking nettle stings are bitches! :evil:
the one up by stonefields is cheap and local-ish... a few people with cars - could be a promise trip out!