Them Nike P ones are lush cant remember what the P stands for though Just got Ryan the trainer version!
Has to be Adidas Copa Mondial's mate. The leather is soft as fuck, and reaaaaaaaally comfy. Absolute bargain at £60
If you can find them the only boots id reccomend are Adidas World Cups. The Best and most comfortable boots ever made. FACT!
Ihave total 90 -which are ok for astro red predators - not keen on the blades to many injurys mizuno - there probaly the best ones really comy coz the inside is different to the other two addidas - copa mundial's like these aswell nice fit
I haven't had any new football boots for ages.. partly 'cause I don't play football anymore. Got some mucky old Umbro ones somewhere.. they were REALLY comfy.
Adidas World Cups Adidas Predatos Nike Air Vapour summit ?!?! Gte any of them in mouldies, dont get studs cos they just fuck ya feet and mouldies are more durable - dont get the new predators cos there shit and try the ones with the white sole and red blades, last seasons i think but loads are still wearing em - think i paid £60 for mine reduced from £110 !!
Puma kings were the boyos when i used to play i would probs gets some addias copa mondial (sp) thats wot im getting next
Not wrong! Just played 4th game of season and both heels are fookin killing Might have to get some moulded ones.
I disagree, it depends on the time of year as to what footwear to use, during the winter months then mouldies are great when the grounds harder. I always used to have a pair of mouldies and studs and take both to wherever i was playing then wear the pair best suited to the ground.....I only really used mouldies on frozen or hard pitches as they dont hurt your feet in them conditions, if the grounds softer then i went for studs as you get a much better grip. All the shite about mouldies helping you turn and accelerate quicker is bollox aswell
Umbro's are by far the most comfy boots going. I've had Addidas, Mizuno, Nike, they all hurt my feet. I've had about 3 pairs of Umbro's and they do the business!